Didactics of German is a fairly young science,
which only became established as such in the 1960s. It therefore had to prove its right to exist again and again and fight for appropriate university facilities. It had to assert itself both against German Studies, in which it is mostly anchored in organizational terms and where it was often considered subordinate, and against German classes, which often thought they could do without an academic basis. Or, to put it more scientifically, it is located "between the reference disciplines of specialist sciences and educational sciences, in the area of tension between theoretical knowledge and practical application, in the complexity and diversity of the possible and necessary approaches to the question at hand." (Christoph Bräuer (ed.): Thought framework of German didactics. The identity of the discipline in the discussion. Frankfurt: Peter Lang 2016, 7) This applies to Austria even more than to Germany. My work since the second half of the 1980s has always been shaped by this initial situation, although not exclusively determined by it.
My position as a federal teacher in the university service at the Institute for German Studies at the University of Klagenfurt (initially only limited to one year) from 1988 enabled me to build up the content and organizational foundations for Austrian German didactics that hardly existed at the time.
The journal that already existed at the institute was a decisive instrument information on German didactics (id), which at that time was purely a review organ. I turned it into a magazine with four issues a year (“Magazine for German lessons in science and school”) with the aim of systematically covering all areas of German didactics and offering Austrian teachers and scientists a publication opportunity. I also founded a scientific advisory board for the journal with representatives from all Austrian universities and teachers from different types of schools.
In 1993, I was able to gain a very competent colleague to work with in Eva Rastner (who unfortunately died in 2006). Together we gave the we the ideal and organized nationwide conferences on German didactics with speakers from all over the German-speaking area (1989, 1991, 1993, 1999, 2005).
The book series was also founded in 1999 ide-extra in the study publishing house. This is how a network of university German didactics in Austria came into being.
In the course of the didactic reform efforts (“IMST process”), which were mainly pursued by Konrad Krainer and Roland Fischer (IFF faculty of the University of Klagenfurt), an independent German didactic institute was established in 2006, initially Austrian competence center for German didactics named, which lasted until my retirement in 2016. Since the establishment of the institute, the journal ideal headed by Ursula Esterl as editor, with the Scientific Advisory Board playing a very active role.
In 2007 I obtained the first professorship for German didactics in Austria. For a few years, it was also possible to set up a second professorship, specifically for language didactics, which was initially held by Annemarie Saxalber-Tetter.
From 2008 I became the scientific co-director of the annual Literature conferences of the Institute for Austrian Studies in St. Pölten, another institution of teacher training. (From 2014 Nicola Mitterer and Hajnalka Nagy, previously co-directors, took over the management.)
2012 became that Austrian forum for German didactics was founded, which I chaired until 2016. It sees itself as the umbrella organization for German didactics in Austria and as a networking platform. (https://www.aau.at/germanistik/fachdidaktik/oefdd/#toggle-id-1)
My own research focuses on German didactics and political education as well as literary didactics and transculturality. In my habilitation thesis I developed the concept of transcultural literature didactics (published in the two volumes Poetics of Difference and Transcultural Literature Didactics, see publications).
Important links:
poetics of diversity. Literature, education, globalization. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava 2022 (extended new edition). 350 pp. ISBN: 978-3-85435-969-2.
Global Citizenship Education als Perspektive für einen rassismuskritischen Deutschunterricht. In: Karina Becker/Michael Hofmann (Hg.) (2023): Rassismussensibler Literaturunterricht. Grundlagen, Dimensionen, Herausforderungen, Möglichkeiten. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 53-67. ISBN 978-3-8260-7785-2.
"Resistance with perhaps antiquated means". Literature. Education. Politics. In: Didactics German. Half-year publication for the didactics of the German language and literature. Volume 28 2023. Issue 54. P. 35-47. ISSN: 2751-6792 (online)
„Die Lust zu ergründen“. Über das Vergnügen an der Bildung. In: informationen zur deutschdidaktik, Jg. 46, Heft 4, 2022, 33-42. ISSN 0721-9954.
German lessons as Global Citizenship Education. A suggestion to think along and think ahead. In: information on German didactics, vol. 45, issue 4, 2021, 10-21. ISSN 0721-9954.
Culture and Barbarism of Europe. Essays on Europe in German lessons. In: The German Lesson LXXIII (2) 2021, 14-23. ISSN 0340-2258.
Foreignness - conflict - dialogue. The literary class discussion from a transcultural perspective. In: Felix Heizmann/Johannes Mayer/Marcus Steinbrenner (eds.): The literary class discussion. Didactic reflections and empirical reconstructions. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren 2020, 956-111. ISBN 978-3-8340-2007-9.
Nicola Mitterer, Hajnalka Nagy, Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): The demands of literature as a challenge for literature teaching. Theoretical perspectives of literature didactics (series "Contributions to literature and media didactics", edited by Bodo Lecke and Christian Dawidowski). Frankfurt: Peter Lang 2016. ISBN: 9783631696873.
Like a piece of bread. Children's and youth literature and political education. In: kjl&m 19.2, vol. 71, 2nd quarter 2019, 3-12. ISSN 1864-144X.
German didactics and global learning. In: Gregor Lang-Wojtasik / Ulrich Klemm (eds.): Handlexikon Globales Lern. Ulm: Klemm + oelschläger 2017 (2nd revised and expanded edition), 53-56. ISBN 978-3-86281-115-1.
Werner Wintersteiner/Sabine Zelger: Arriving is also a departure. In: Wintersteiner, Werner/Sabine Zelger (eds.) (2017): People are walking. escape and arrival. information on German didactics, vol. 41, issue 1, 5-13. ISSN 0721-9954.
From “asylum seeker” to “economic refugee”. Critical dictionary of the so-called refugee crisis. In: Wintersteiner, Werner/Sabine Zelger (eds.) (2017): People are walking. escape and arrival. Information on German Didactics, Vol. 41, Issue 1, 75-87. ISSN 0721-9954.
"Refugee Guide". Language analysis as political education. In: Wintersteiner, Werner/Sabine Zelger (eds.) (2017): People are walking. escape and arrival. Information on German Didactics, Vol. 41, Issue 1, 93-96. ISSN 0721-9954.
The theme of flight in literature. suggestions for teaching. In: Wintersteiner, Werner/Sabine Zelger (eds.) (2017): People are walking. escape and arrival. Information on German Didactics, Vol. 41, Issue 1, 161-175. ISSN 0721-9954.
Elimination services - the (anti)pedagogy of Christine Nöstlinger. Plea for a re-evaluation of her work, in: Information on German Didactics, Issue 1/2016, 47-55. ISSN 0721-9954.
About the impossibility of literary education and its necessity. In: Nicola Mitterer, Hajnalka Nagy, Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): The demands of literature as a challenge for literature teaching. Theoretical perspectives of literature didactics (series "Contributions to literature and media didactics", edited by Bodo Lecke and Christian Dawidowski). Frankfurt: Peter Lang 2016, 45-66. ISBN: 9783631696873.
Werner Wintersteiner/Martin G. Weiß: The adventure of knowledge. German lessons as “enabling didactics”. In: information on German didactics, vol. 39, issue 3/2015, 38-47. ISSN 0721-9954.
Martin G. Weiß / Werner Wintersteiner: Knowledge and power, knowledge and resistance. What knowledge and for whom? In: information on German didactics, vol. 39, issue 3/2015, 10-19. ISSN 0721-9954.
Nicola Mitterer / Werner Wintersteiner: Literary Experience. Aesthetic mode and literary learning. In: Reading Rooms. Journal of Literacy in Schools and Research, 2/2015, 96-108. http://leseräume.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/lr-2015-1-mitterer-wintersteiner.pdf
Politics of literature, political didactics of literature. In: Stefan Krammer, Sabine Zelger (eds.): Literature and politics in the classroom. Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau Verlag 2015, 43-65. ISBN 978-3-7344-0174-9.
Project teaching and German didactics. In: information on German didactics (ide), vol. 38, issue 2/2014, 9-17. ISSN 0721-9954.
Hajnalka Nagy, Werner Wintersteiner, Heidi Grobbauer (eds.): Reading out into the world. world literature in the classroom. Global Learning Practice, Issue 1, Salzburg 2014. ISBN 978-3-9503620-5-3. Downloads: https://docplayer.org/21468560-Sich-in-die-welt-hinaus-lesen-weltliteratur-im-unterricht.html or https://www.komment.at/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Globales_Lernen_und_Weltliteratur.pdf
Learning - Identity - Resistance. Identity orientation in German lessons in the light of new educational policy tendencies. In: information on German didactics (ide), vol. 37, issue 3/2013, 18-28. ISSN 0721-9954.
“Understanding and Self-Assurance”. – Didactics of literature and social criticism. In: Daniela A. Frickel and Jan M. Boelmann (ed.): Literature - Reading - Learning. Festschrift for Gerhard Rupp. Frankfurt: Peter Lang 2013, 412-430. ISBN 978-3-631-63017-4.
Konrad Krainer, Barbara Hanfstingl, Thomas Hellmuth, Martin Hopf, Anja Lembens, Georg Hans Neuweg, Werner Peschek, Franz Radits, Werner Wintersteiner, Verena Teschner and Tanja Tscheinig: Subject didactics and their contribution to the quality development of teaching. In: Barbara Herzog-Punzenberger (ed.): National Education Report Austria 2012. Volume 2: Focused analyzes of educational policy issues. Graz: Leykam 2013, 143-187. ISBN 978-3-7011-7855-1.
Jasmin Weiss/Werner Wintersteiner: "Reconciled and mutually enriched"? Cultural mediation, decentralization and literary multilingualism. In: Germanistic communications. Magazine for German language, literature and culture, 38, issue 2-2012, 29-44. Heidelberg: Winter. ISSN 0771-3703.
Hajnalka Nagy/Jürgen Struger/Werner Wintersteiner. Promotion of skills in German lessons. In: Manuela Paechter et al. (ed.): Handbook of competence-oriented teaching, Weinheim: Beltz 2012, 136-152. ISBN 978-3-40783177-4.
ripe for what? The concept of the new written matriculation examination in German. In: Annemarie Saxalber and Werner Wintersteiner in cooperation with BIFIE Vienna (ed.): German school leaving examination. information on German didactics (ide), vol. 36, issue 1/2012, 12-24. ISSN 0721-9954.
Literary education – still? Yet again? Why? Literature lessons in times of standardization and competence orientation. In: Wolfgang Hackl/Ulrike Tanzer (eds.): German studies in modules. Curricula between career orientation and specialist studies, Vienna: Edition Präsens (2011) (= Stimulus. Communications of the Austrian Society for German Studies 2010), 94-115. ISBN 978-3706906838.
Old masters - on the paradoxes of literary education. In: Didaktik Deutsch 30, 17th year 2011, 5-21. ISSN 1431-4355.
Theresia Ladstätter/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): reading between worlds. Klagenfurt/Vienna 2010. https://docplayer.org/15465189-Zwischen-welten-lesen.html
Susanne Hochreiter/Ursula Klingenböck/Elisabeth Stuck/Sigrid Thielking/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Interfaces. Aspects of literature teaching and learning research. Innsbruck-Vienna-Bozen: StudienVerlag 2009 (= ide extra, volume 14). ISBN 978-3-70654662-1.
Manuela Glaboniat, Eva, Maria Rastner, Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): We are what we do. German didactics and German lessons face new challenges. Innsbruck: Studienverlag 2007. ISBN 978-3-70654095-7.
Werner Wintersteiner: Poetics of diversity. literature, education globalization. Klagenfurt: Drava 2006. ISBN: 978-3-85435-462-2.
Werner Wintersteiner: Transcultural Literary Education. The “poetics of diversity” in literary didactic practice. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag 2006. ISBN 978-3706540940.
Eva Maria Rastner and Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): German didactic dialogue. Vienna: Edition Present 2004 (= Stimulus. Communications of the Austrian Society for German Studies 2003). ISBN 3-7069-0258-3, ISSN 1028-1509.
Norbert Griesmayer and Werner Wintersteiner. Beyond Babylon. Ways to intercultural German didactics. Innsbruck-Vienna-Munich: StudienVerlag 2000 (= ide-extra, Volume 7). ISBN 978-3706514156.
"Teaching objective: communication": The contribution of German lessons to political education. In: Heinrich Ammerer/Reinhard Krammer/Ulrike Tanzer (eds.): Political Learning. The contribution of the subjects to political education. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag 2010, 79-84. ISBN 978-3-7065-4988-2.
Just a cultural technique? Cultural, political and ideological dimensions of the discourse on reading promotion. In: Eduard Beutner/Ulrike Tanzer (eds.): read today. perspectives. Innsbruck/Vienna/Bozen: StudienVerlag 2010, 83-93. ISBN 978-3-7065-4844-1.
Transcultural literature didactics. In: Heidi Rösch (ed.): Literary education in competence-oriented German lessons. Freiburg: Fillibach 2010, 33-48. ISBN 978-3-931240-56-1.
We are what we do. Poetic understanding as a didactic challenge. In: Iris Winkler/Nicole Masanek/Ulf Abraham (eds.): Poetic Understanding. Literature didactic positions - empirical research - projects from the German class. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren 2010, 23-36. ISBN 978-3-8340-0706-3.
The Price of Freedom. Didactics of German and the reform of the matriculation examination in Austria. In: The German lesson, vol. LXII, issue 1/2010, 62-70, ISSN 0340-2258.
multilingualism and power. Political and aesthetic implications of a transcultural didactics of literature. In: Patricia Nauwerck (ed.): Culture of multilingualism in school and kindergarten. Festschrift for Ingelore Oomen-Welke. Freiburg: Fillibach 2009, 219-230. ISBN 978-3-931240-50-9.
Nicola Mitterer/Werner Wintersteiner: "Throwing a stone into the pond..." Approaches to the practice of transcultural literature didactics. In: Susanne Hochreiter/Ursula Klingenböck/Elisabeth Stuck/Sigrid Thielking/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Interfaces. Aspects of literature teaching and learning research. Innsbruck-Vienna-Bozen: Studienverlag 2009 (= ide extra, volume 14), 36-51. ISBN 978-3-70654662-1.
Susanne Hochreiter/Ursula Klingenböck/Elisabeth Stuck/Sigrid Thielking/Werner Wintersteiner: interfaces of literary education. In: Susanne Hochreiter/Ursula Klingenböck/Elisabeth Stuck/Sigrid Thielking/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Interfaces. Aspects of literature teaching and learning research. Innsbruck-Vienna-Bozen: Studienverlag 2009 (= ide extra, volume 14), 9-17. ISBN 978-3-70654662-1.
Language as social action. German in secondary level I. In: information on German didactics, vol. 33, issue 3/2009, 9-20. ISSN 0721-9954.
Annemarie Saxalber-Tetter/Werner Wintersteiner: PISA Reading 2006: The Austrian results from the perspective of German didactics. In: Claudia Schreiner/Ursula Schwantner (eds.): PISA 2006. Austrian expert report on the natural sciences focus. Graz: Leykam 2009, 64-72. ISBN 978-3-7011-7620-5.
The center of mediation: A didactic kaleidoscope in ten fragments. In: Christine Engel/Peter Holzer/Sylvia Hölzl (eds.): Actors in cultural mediation. Translators, philological and cultural researchers and foreign language teachers. Innsbruck: university press, 2008, 95-108. ISBN 978-3-902571-96-0.
“Stay shockable – but resist!”. Political education in German lessons. In: Information on German Didactics (ide), Vol. 32, H. 4/2008, 9-20. ISSN 0721-9954.
"One should argue about what you don't want to talk about." Plea for a transcultural canon of literary didactics. In: Jürgen Struger (ed.): The canon. Perspectives, extensions and revisions. Vienna: Edition Praesens 2008 (= communications from the Austrian Society for German Studies 2007), 447-460. ISBN 978-3-7069-0494-0.
Konrad Krainer/Helmuth Kühnelt/Werner Peschek/Werner Wintersteiner. Subject-related educational management and standards. In: Peter Labudde (ed.): Educational standards at high schools. Corset or Catalyst? Bern: hep-Verlag 2007, 181-190. ISBN 978-3-03905-339-1.
30 years ideal A subjective review. In: Manuela Glaboniat, Eva, Maria Rastner, Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): We are what we do. German didactics and German lessons face new challenges. Innsbruck: Studienverlag 2007, 173-178. ISBN 978-3-70654095-7.
Read the timetables! In: Manuela Glaboniat, Eva, Maria Rastner, Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): We are what we do. German didactics and German lessons face new challenges. Innsbruck: Studienverlag 2007, 41-50. ISBN 978-3-70654095-7.
Practical Science. On today's self-understanding of German didactics. In: Manuela Glaboniat, Eva, Maria Rastner, Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): We are what we do. German didactics and German lessons face new challenges. Innsbruck: Studienverlag 2007, 19-32. ISBN 978-3-70654095-7.
Literature as the organ of history. Didactic approaches to the literature of the 1920s. In: Primus-Heinz Kucher (ed.): Literature and culture in Austria in the twenties. Proposals for a transdisciplinary epoch profile. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 2007, 239-256. ISBN 978-3-89528-0.
The inner world the outer world the inner world. Didactics of German in the wake of social interests. In: Didaktik Deutsch 22/2007, 51-70. ISSN 1431-4355.
Literary studies and their didactics. Prolegomena to a university didactics of literary studies. In: Susanne Hochreiter/Ursula Klingenböck (ed.): Literature - Teaching - Learning. University didactics and German studies. Vienna: Böhlau 2006, 19-38. ISBN 978-3-205-77540-9.
poetics of diversity. Plea for transcultural literature didactics in German as a foreign language classes. In: Hans Jürgen Krumm / Paul R. Portmann-Tselikas (ed.): German as a language of encounter. Motivation, challenge, prospects. Focus: language policy and subject-related fundamental questions. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag 2006, 209-221. ISBN: 978-3-7065-4200-5.
Children, books, worlds. Eight meditations on foreign literature and the strangeness of literature. In: Annette Kliewer/Eva Massingue. Look over the edge. Children and young people's literature from the southern continents in German lessons. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren 2006, 48-59. ISBN 3-8340-0035-3.
PISA is an opportunity! German didactic food for thought. In: Eva Maria Rastner, Richard Schrodt (ed.): Teaching German – where to? Vienna: Edition Present 2005, 85-90. ISBN 3-7069-0350-4, ISSN 1028-1509.
Bologna, Pisa, Genoa. Ten comments on a reform of (German) teacher training. In: Eva Maria Rastner, Richard Schrodt (ed.): Teaching German – where to? Vienna: Edition Present 2005, 25-34. ISBN 3-7069-0350-4, ISSN 1028-1509.
Only bridge and hinge? On the positioning of German didactics between German studies, pedagogy and German teaching. In: Eva Maria Rastner and Werner Wintersteiner (eds.) German didactic dialogue. Vienna: Edition Präsens 2004 (= communications of the Austrian Society for German Studies 2003), 14-30. ISBN 3-7069-0258-3, ISSN 128-159.
Europe in German lessons. Ten suggestions. In: information on German didactics (ide) 1/2004, 117-122. ISSN 0721-9954.
Visions and Revisions. Ten theses on Europe - education - German lessons. In: information on German didactics (ide) 1/2004, 18-28. ISSN 0721-9954.
Norbert Griesmayer/Wintersteiner: "A room for yourself". German didactics in search of their self-image. In: Anne Betten/Richard Schrodt/Andreas Weiss (eds.): New language morals? Media - Politics - School. (= Stimulus. Communications of the Austrian Society for German Studies 2002. Vienna: Edition Praesens 2003, 203-210. ISBN 9783706902113.
Mother tongue lessons – second language lessons – foreign language lessons. In: Ursula Bredel/Hartmut Günther/Peter Klotz/Jakob Ossner/Gesa Siebert-Ott (eds.): Didactics of the German language. A manual. Paderborn: Schöningh UTB, 2003. Volume 2, 602-614. ISBN 9783825282370.
"The Reading Hideaway in the Magnolia Tree". Reading biographies as a didactic method. In: Education and Teaching 1-2/03, 80-87. ISSN 0014-0325.
Heidi Schrodt/Christian Schacherreiter/Werner Wintersteiner: Language Education. About the core tasks of German lessons. In: information on German didactics (ide), vol. 26, 4/2002, 20-27. ISSN 0721-9954.
Portfolios as a medium of self-reflection. In: information on German didactics (ide), vol. 26, issue 1/2002, 35-43. ISSN 0721-9954.
double strangeness. Notes on the term “intercultural literature didactics”. In: Sonja Kuri/Robert Saxer (eds.): German as a foreign language on the threshold of the 21st century. Future-oriented concepts and projects. Innsbruck-Vienna-Munich-Bozen 2001, 162-180. ISBN 9783706516402.
"Armed and literate humanity". Literature lessons after leaving national education. In: Literature at school. Zeven voordrachten over het literatuuronderwijs. Amsterdam: Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen 2000, 79-105. ISBN 9069843005.
Franz Kafka as the Dalai Lama at the Buena Vista Club. In: Norbert Griesmayer/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Beyond Babylon. Ways to intercultural German didactics. Innsbruck-Vienna-Munich: StudienVerlag 2000 (= ide-extra, volume 7), 50-68. ISBN 978-3-7065-1415-6.
Werner Delanoy/Helga Rabenstein/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Readings. Innsbruck-Vienna. StudienVerlag, 1996. ISBN 978-3706511377. Download: https://ide.aau.at/ide-extra/
Eva Rastner/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Crossing borders. Results of the 3rd conference "German didactics in Austria" (= ide extra, volume 1) Innsbruck: StudienVerlag 1994. ISBN 3-901160-45-0. Download: https://ide.aau.at/ide-extra/
Klaus Amann/Gabriele Fenkart/Marlies Krainz-Dürr/Dietmar Larcher/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): German lessons. Theories, models, experiences. (= ide-extra, Volume 2) Innsbruck: StudienVerlag 1994. ISBN 3-7065-1102-9. Download: https://ide.aau.at/ide-extra/
Of burglars and lovers. literature in the classroom. In: Friedbert Aspetsberger/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.) Scopes of contemporary literature. Poet's parlor – exhibition hall – classroom. Innsbruck-Vienna-Munich: StudienVerlag 1999, 61-80. ISBN 978-3-7065-1364-7.
Red and blue flowers. A didactic tour through the garden of German studies. In: Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler/Anton Schwob (eds.): German studies in the field of tension between philology and cultural studies. Contributions to the conference in Vienna 1998. Vienna: Edition Present 1999, 103-116. ISBN 978-3-7069-0032-4.
long-distance drivers and distance learning. About the work of a management team. In: Konrad Krainer/Peter Posch (eds.): Teacher training between processes and products. University courses "Pedagogy and Didactics for Teachers" (PFL): Concepts, experiences and reflections. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, 1996, 151-166. ISBN 978-3-781508668.
interpreting over time. Fictional literary interpretations using the example of Goethe's »Heidenröslein«. In: information on German didactics (ide) 4/96, 129-133. ISSN 0721-9954.
"The text is like a porcupine...". Pupils interpret Kafka's »Abstract Look Ahead«. In: information on German didactics (ide) 4/96, 96-107. ISSN 0721-9954.
The almond blossoms in the winter night. Plea for “old-fashioned” German lessons. In: German lesson. Magazine of ARGE German. Graz. Number 1/1996, 5-12.
Dead birds, broken chains. Foreign understanding in literature lessons. In: Werner Delanoy/Helga Rabenstein/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Readings. Innsbruck-Vienna. StudienVerlag, 1996, 13-31. ISBN 978-3706511377. Download: https://ide.aau.at/ide-extra/
The Culture of Difference. Attempt at an intercultural reorientation of German lessons in Austria. In: Didaktik Deutsch (Baltmannsweiler, Schneider-Verlag) 1/1996, 74-82. ISSN 1431-4355.
Using German as an example. Reflections on a reform of the teaching degree. In: information on German didactics (ide) 4/95, 130-144. ISSN 0721-9954.
Hannes Holzner/Werner Wintersteiner: Austrian literature in German lessons. Notes on the Canon Question. In: information on German didactics (ide) 2/95, 17-26. ISSN 0721-9954.
The Holy Trinity in the Age of Secularization. Seven theses on the relationship between German studies, German didactics and German lessons. In: Stimulus. Communications of the Austrian Society for German Studies, Edition Präsens, Vienna, Issue 2/1995, 19-29. ISSN 1028-1509.
Necessity and Virtue. Looking for practical German didactics. In: Paul Peter Wildner (ed.): German lessons in Austria. attempt at an overview. Frankfurt: Lang, 1995, 208-222. ISBN 978-3-631475461.
The German lesson and the overcoming of the concept of the “mother tongue”. In: Josef Huber/Martina Huber-Kriegler/Dagmar Heindler (eds.): Languages and cultural education. Contributions to the model: language and cultural education. Graz: Center for School Development, 1995, 81-90.
Marlies Krainz-Dürr/Werner Wintersteiner: "Tracking down the foreignness in ourselves...". Report from a writing workshop. In: Amann, Klaus/Fenkart, Gabriele/Krainz-Dürr, Marlies/Larcher, Dietmar/Wintersteiner, Werner (eds.): German lessons. Theories, models, experiences. (= ide-extra, Volume 2) Innsbruck: StudienVerlag 1994. ISBN 3-7065-1102-9. Download: https://ide.aau.at/ide-extra/
School grammar. In: Amann, Klaus/Fenkart, Gabriele/Krainz-Dürr, Marlies/Larcher, Dietmar/Wintersteiner, Werner (eds.): German lessons. Theories, models, experiences. (= ide-extra, Volume 2) Innsbruck: StudienVerlag 1994. ISBN 3-7065-1102-9. Download: https://ide.aau.at/ide-extra/
Of high priests, knights and rebels. Excursions through the history of German didactics. In: Amann, Klaus/Fenkart, Gabriele/Krainz-Dürr, Marlies/Larcher, Dietmar/Wintersteiner, Werner (eds.): German lessons. Theories, models, experiences. (= ide-extra, Volume 2) Innsbruck: StudienVerlag 1994. ISBN 3-7065-1102-9. Download: https://ide.aau.at/ide-extra/
The foreign gaze as a didactic opportunity. Or: Home from the perspective of black spiders, bleeding calves and old dictionaries. In: Friedbert Aspetsberger (ed.): New beards for the poets? Studies on contemporary Austrian literature. Vienna: ÖBV, 1993 (= writings of the Institute for Austrian Studies: 56/57), 275-282. ISBN 3215111470.
Old utopias or new modesty? Five theses on German didactics. In: Literature and school (= reading circle 64/October 1993, supplement to the Wiener Zeitung), 11-13.
Pleasurable effort instead of crash barrier didactics. German lessons in transition. In: information on German didactics (ide), special issue, Klagenfurt 1992, 5-11. ISSN 0721-9954.
Storytelling in German class. Remarks on a neglected topic. In: information on German didactics (ide), 3/1990, 75-81. ISSN 0721-9954.
German lessons as a playground. Eight theses on schools and German lessons today. In: German lessons today. Documents and materials of the workshop “Communication and Concepts”, Klagenfurt 1989. (= ide-extra 1/1990), 5-12.
The hero's place in the classroom. Public reception of literature and literature lessons in schools. In: Gerhard Rupp/Harro Müller-Michaels (eds.). Yearbook of German Didactics 1989/90: Tübingen: Narr 1991, 74-93.
The unpedagogical province. German lessons between (general) education and vocational preparation. In: information on German didactics (ide), 1/1989, 13-18. ISSN 0721-9954.
The big bluff and minor inconsistencies. German lessons at the Higher School for Economic Professions. In: information on German didactics (ide), 1/1989, 57-67. ISSN 0721-9954.
On the tasks of didactics in German. In: information on German didactics (ide), vol. 11, issue 3/4, 1987, 27-37. ISSN 0721-9954.
Hubert Lengauer/Werner Wintersteiner: 18 points on the literary canon. In: Waspennest 51, 1983, 50-55. ISSN 1012-7313.