peace education is
Social criticism and social change ...

… in the field of education and upbringing with the aim of reducing violence. It is a contribution to the emancipation of individuals and violent groups. It enables people to recognize and analyze violent relationships and to work on reducing them, as well as to consider alternatives and to implement them step by step. Peace education makes sense and is realistic as part of an overall strategy for peace policy and culture - as Education for a culture of peace. However, it is not a matter of adding a peace-pedagogical component to the existing education and training, but of redesigning education and training in such a way that they are no longer an element of a culture of war and violence, but serve peace.
Peace education is therefore not only an important pedagogical field of work, but also a sub-discipline in its own right - a fact that has become common knowledge at least since the days of "critical peace education" in the 1960s. She holds an important place in the professional association for peace research, IPRA. Nevertheless, there are a number of chairs for peace research in the entire German-speaking area, but not a single one for peace education. But transdisciplinary cooperation within multidisciplinary peace research is needed to achieve its goals - research for to achieve peace, not just about peace.
Peace education has many fields of work that also overlap with other political pedagogies, for example with Global Citizenship Education, which is presented here separately for reasons of clarity.
Since the early 1980s, my peace education work has gradually developed in various fields and in cooperation with various institutions and, especially since I moved to the University of Klagenfurt in 1987, it has also become more professional (peace education dissertation Pedagogy of the Other).
A few important fields of work should be highlighted here, they are all linked to my activities in other fields such as peace policy, Alps-Adriatic or German didactics.
Teacher training and further education
That was (and in some cases still is) a mainstay: seminars for teachers in Austria, Germany, but also in Switzerland, Italy and Luxembourg; for student teachers, especially in the context of German didactics; the EURED course (see below) for all of Europe; Peace education inquiries within the framework of the ZFF (Center for Peace Research and Peace Education at the University of Klagenfurt) and much more
Alps-Adriatic Peace Network
This loose cooperation of peace groups from Italy, Slovenia, Austria and finally also from Croatia formed the framework for cross-border joint seminars on peace education for teachers from Austria, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia (1988, 1991, 1992, 1993), creating a new transnational perspective was introduced; documented in the book The new Europe is growing from below (see publications); Participation in the establishment of the "peace school" in Gorski kotar in Croatia from 1993 (see: or the field of work Alps-Adriatic).
Alps-Adriatic Alternative and European Youth Academy
The association “Alpen-Adria-Alternativ. Association for Peace, Human Rights and Intercultural Cooperation" (Graz and Villach, 1990-2000) mainly carried out intercultural learning and peace education at the Villach location, in particular the "European Youth Academy" (1993-2001), a cooperation project of schools from East and and Western Europe. The work of the individual passages and projects is in several issues of the journal alpe-adria documented. A complete overview can be found in the book Education for intercultural understanding. The Handbook of the “European Youth Academy” (see publications below). Another important activity was the theoretical and practical work led by Bettina Gruber Municipal political youth participation, which as a result also had the establishment of a youth council in Villach (1996/1997).
ÖSFK Stadtschlaining
The Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (today the Austrian Center for Peace ACP) in Stadtschlaining has been a place and a partner for peace education work since it was founded. I had three opportunities to participate:
- As speaker and organizer of peace education events in Stadtschlaining
- As co-editor (together with Arno Truger) of the publication series “Peace Education Concrete. School practical handouts for peace education" (1993-1999)
- As Lecturer/guest professor at the “European Peace University” (epu) based in Schlaining on the subject Peace Education and Culture of Peace.
With the support of the two Klagenfurt professors of education, Dietmar Larcher and Peter Gstettner, the international research project "EURED - European Education as Peace Education" (2000-2003), for which I was the scientific director, was able to settle at the University of Klagenfurt. One result was the book Peace Education in Europe (see publications,, Table of contents:
A follow-up project was the university course “Human Rights and Peace Education in Europe” (2004-2006), which was also based in Klagenfurt and was officially recognized by UNESCO. Please refer:
The UNESCO / EURED course – overview:
The EURED Teacher Training Program's Peace Education: An Overview.
Center for Peace Research and Peace Education (today: Peace Education)
With the founding of the center at the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt and the employment of scientists, the possibility for longer-term and systematic peace education was created for the first time in Austria. Numerous projects testify to this and my own research and publication activities have also increased significantly since then (see list of publications). The installation of the university course Global Citizenship Education (see this work area) was also only possible through the establishment of the center. (
Within the framework of the ZFF, there was also a stronger intertwining of peace education and political education. From 2006 to 2010, the ZFF was one of the supporting institutions of the university course in political education, which was held in cooperation with the Danube University Krems, whereby the ZFF introduced a peace policy and peace education focus for the first time.
My main areas of focus in the field of peace education:
- Philosophy and concepts of peace education
- Connection of peace education to related fields such as political education, global citizenship education and intercultural learning
- Peace education and culture of remembrance, especially in the Alps-Adriatic region
- Peace Education and Literature
- History of Peace Education
International Networks
Especially in a discipline that is relatively weakly anchored institutionally like peace education, international networking is a very important factor for development. The following were or are particularly important for me:
- German Peace Education Networks
"Educators for Peace" in the 1980s to 2000s; Institute for Peace Education Tübingen, then the Peace Education Working Group of the AFK ( and the North German network for peace education (https://netzwerk-friedenspä
- Hague Appeal for Peace Global Campaign for Peace Education
This network, launched by Betty Reardon and Cora Weiss at the Haguer Peace Conference in 1999, brought together a small group of peace educators from all continents for consultations, events and projects in the first phase (overview of this first phase: In the meantime, the network has grown considerably and maintains an extremely varied and informative website ( and also organizes the annual seminars of the International Institute for Peace Education/IIPE (
The Peace Education Commission (PEC) of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA) is the most important international exchange forum for peace education, especially at the biennial congresses. (
The PEC also has the magazine Journal of Peace Education (JPE), I was a member of the ad-hoc committees for the preparation of the JPE (first number 2004).
When, if not now? Peace education – a fundamental and highly topical educational task. In: Spinnrad. Forum for active nonviolence. No. 3, September 2023, 4-5.
Can one unlearn war? On the development of a culture of nonviolence and peace. In: Kranich 4/2023, 8.
Everyday and Systemic Racism - Peace Education and the Toils of the Plains. In: Susanne Umbach/Christoph Pinkert (eds.): Practicing peace - bridges and breaks in thinking and acting. Frankfurt: Newsreel / Dr. Kurt Debus Verlag 2022, 86-100. ISBN 978-3-7344-1378-0.
Helmolt Rademacher/Werner Wintersteiner: Peace Education and Peace Education. In: Wolfgang Beutel, Markus Gloe, Gerhard Himmelmann, Dirk Lange, Volker Reinhardt, Anne Seifert (eds.): Handbuch Demokratiepädagogik. Frankfurt: Debus/Wochenschau Verlag 2022, 395-404. ISBN 978-3-95414-185-2.
Betty Reardon - Pioneer of feminist peace research and peace education. In: Die Friedens-Warte, Vol. 94 (1-2) 2021, 109-123. ISSN 0340-0255.
Werner Wintersteiner/Jan Brousek/Daniel Grafenauer/Daniel Wutti: Liberate the future from the violence of the past! Motives, goals and results of the PRAA project | Osvoboditi prihodnost od nasilja preteklosti! Motivi, cilji in rezultati projecta PRAA. In: Jan Brousek / Danijel Grafenauer / Werner Wintersteiner / Daniel Wutti (editors | right): SLOVENIA | AUSTRIA: Liberating Remembrance – Osvobajajoče spominjanje, Dialogic processing of the past – Dialoško obravnavanje zgodovine. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava 2020, 13-34 | 35-53. ISBN 978-3-85435-948-7.
Próxima estación: esperanza. How a piece of democracy is emerging in the fight against the climate crisis. In: exercise book 178/2020, 120-128. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag. ISBN 978-3-7065-6026-9.
Peace education, peace research, peace action - reflections on a complicated relationship. In: Critical Pedagogy. Interventions and Perspectives, Issue 7 (2020): Pedagogy of Peace in Peaceless Conditions. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren 2020, 45-60. ISBN 978-3-8340-2069-7.
Militarism as a peace education challenge. In: Peace Forum. Journal of the Peace Movement 3/2020, 32-34. ISSN 0939-8058.
Helmolt Rademacher/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Peace education and democracy education. Schwalbach/Ts.: WOCHENSCHAU Verlag, 2016. (Yearbook of Democracy Education 2016/17) 285 pages. ISBN 978-3-7344-0277-7 (book), ISBN 978-3-7344-0278-4 (e-book).
Peace education in the perspective of multilingualism. In: Christiane Fäcke/Franz-Joseph Meißner (eds.): Handbook of multilingual and multicultural didactics. Tübingen: Narr 2019, 209-213. ISBN 978-3-8233-8200-3.
“Peace Education for Global Citizenship”. The Genuine Global Dimension of Betty Reardon's Concept of Peace Education. In: Dale T. Snauwaert (ed.): Exploring Betty A. Reardon's Perspective on Peace Education. Looking back, looking forward. Cham: Springer 2019, 15-28 ISBN 978-3-030-18386-8.
Big claims, small steps. Peace Education and Social Reality. In: Kranich 2/2018, 8-9.
Social education for peace. Foundations, teaching and curriculum for visionary learning, Journal of Peace Education, vo. 14, no. 3/2017, 373-374. ISSN 1740-0201. DOI: 10.1080/17400201.2017.1388077 (review).
Peace education in Europe. In: Global Commons. Review. UNESCO Chair in Global Learning and Global Citizenship Education, UCLA. No Zero. FEB, 8, 2017, 18-21.
International Strategies for Building a Culture of Peace through Access to Good Education. In: Kury, Helmut; Redo Slawomir and Shea, Evelyn: Women and Children as Victims and Offenders: Background, Prevention, Reintegration – Suggestions for Succeeding Generations (Volume 1), p. 107-138. Zurich: Springer 2016. ISBN 978-3-319-08398-8 (e-book), 978-3-319-08397-1 (hardcover).
Peace education – a core component of political education. In: Education & Teaching. Austria's educational journal. Issue 3-4, 2016, 225-235. ISSN 0014-0325.
Politics, theory, didactics. Three challenges for peace education. In: Thomas Roithner/Ursula Gamauf-Eberhardt: In the beginning there was the vision of Peace. Festschrift for Gerald Mader's 90th birthday. Vienna: Kremayr & Scheriau 2016, 479-497. ISBN 978-3-218-01037-5.
Peace Education, the Evaluation Business, and the Need for Empowering Evaluation. In: Celina Del Felice/Aaron Karako/Andria Wisler (eds.): Peace Education Evaluation. Learning from Experience and Exploring Prospects. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing 2015, 978-1623969738, 19-37.
Politics of remembrance and peace education. An approach or politika spominjanja in pedagogika miru. Približevanje. In: Jürgen Pirker (ed.): Carinthia and Slovenia: Separate ways - common future. Youth between homeland, nation and Europe. Koroška in Slovenija: Ločene poti – skupna prihodnost. Mladi o domovini, narodu in Evropi. Baden-Baden: Nomos 2015, 55-68 or 69-81. ISBN 978-3-8487-1123-9.
Bettina Gruber/Werner Wintersteiner: Building Peace: Social Transformation as a Collective Learning Process. In: Bettina Gruber/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Learning Peace – an Integrative Part of Peacebuilding. Experiences from the Alps-Adriatic Region. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava 2014 (Yearbook Peace Culture 2014), 7-18. ISBN 978-3-85435751-3. Downloads:
Emotion, memory, education. On the depth dimension of political education and peace education. In: Jürgen Pirker (ed.): We are Carinthia - Mi smo Koroška. Youth, encounters and political education in ethnic group issues (=EURAC research "Minorities and Autonomies", Volume 22). Baden-Baden: Nomos 2013, 21-31. ISBN 978-3832974497.
Building a global community for a culture of peace: the Hague appeal for peace global campaign for peace education (1999-2006). In: Journal of Peace Education, vol. 10, no. 2/2013, 138-156. ISSN 1740-0201. Downloads:
"Who wouldn't carry splinters of it in the wood of their heart?" Ernst Jandl as a pacifist and peace educator. In: Hannes Schweiger/Hajnalka Nagy (eds.): Wir Jandln! Didactic and scientific paths to Ernst Jandl. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag 2013 (= ide extra, volume 18), 152-180.ISBN 978-3-7065-5126-7.
Peace Education – Peace Skill Education. In: Education & Teaching. Austrian Educational Journal, vol. 161, issue 7-8/2011, 683-688, ISSN 0014-0325.
From “international understanding” to “education for a culture of peace”. Stages and discourses of peace education since 1945. In: Peter Schlotter/Simone Wisotzki (eds.): Peace and conflict research. Baden-Baden: Nomos 2011, 345-380. ISBN 978-3-8329-3470-5.
Bettina Gruber/Werner Wintersteiner/Gerlinde Duller (eds.): Peace Education as a Prevention of Violence. Regional and international experiences. Klagenfurt: Drava 2009 (= Klagenfurt Contributions to Peace Research, Vol. 2). ISBN: 978-3-85435-550-2.
UNESCO/EURED In-Service Teacher Training Course “Human Rights and Peace Education in Europe”. First Cycle 2004-2006. Klagenfurt: Center for Peace Research and Peace Education 2007.
Friedrich Palencsar/Kornelia Tischler/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Knowledge creates peace. Peace education in teacher training. Klagenfurt: Drava 2005. ISBN 3-85435-449-5.
Werner Wintersteiner / Vedrana Spajić-Vrkaš / Rüdiger Teutsch (eds.). Peace Education in Europe. visions and experiences. Münster: Waxmann 2003 (= European Studies in Education, 19). ISBN 978-3-8309-6260-1.
Hermann Bürger/Bettina Gruber/Werner Wintersteiner for the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (ed.): Education for intercultural understanding. The handbook of the “European Youth Academy”. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag 2002. ISBN 978-3706517027.
Hermann Bürger/Bettina Gruber/Werner Wintersteiner on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (eds.): Education for Intercultural Understanding. The European Youth Academy Handbook. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag 2002. ISBN 978-3-7065-1704-1.
The EURED Teacher Training Programme. Curriculum of a European Peace Education Course. Klagenfurt 2002.
"If we had the word, we wouldn't need the weapons." Education for a "culture of peace". Innsbruck-Vienna-Munich: StudienVerlag 2001 (= ide-extra, volume 10). ISBN 9783706515825.
Werner Wintersteiner: The European youth academy: An example for youth participation. In: Kaarina Ghosn (ed.): Educators & Youth Peace Building Peace. Stories from in and out of school. Byblos (Lebanon): Institute for Peace and Justice Education—IPJE. Lebanese American University 2010, 37-49. ISBN-9953-461-13-9.
Peace education as transformative education. In the Peace waiting. Journal of International Peace and Organization, ISBN 978-3-8305-1851-8, Vol. 85, Issue 3/2010, 11-27.
Education. In: Nigel Young (ed.): The Oxford international encyclopedia of peace. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2010, vol. 2:39-42. ISBN 978-0-19533468-5.
Educational Sciences and Peace Education: Mainstreaming Peace Education Into (Western) Academia? In: Gavriel Salomon, Ed Cairns (eds.). Handbook on Peace Education, New York: (Psychology Press) 2010, 45-59. ISBN 978-0-8058-6552-2.
Holistic, global, society-changing. Twelve theses on peace education. In: Gruber/ Wintersteiner/ Duller (eds.) Peace Education as a Prevention of Violence. Regional and international experiences. Klagenfurt: Drava 2009 (= Klagenfurt Contributions to Peace Research, Vol. 2), 14-31. ISBN 9783-85435-550-2.
"Change the world, it needs it!" - Peace education and political education. In: Cornelia Klepp/Daniela Rippitsch (eds.): 25 years of a university course in political education in Austria. Vienna: Facultas 2008, 360-370. ISBN 978-3-7089-0267-8.
Peace Education for the 21st Century. In: Renate Grasse/Bettina Gruber/Günther Gugel (eds.): Peace Education. Basics, practical approaches, perspectives. Reinbek: Rowohlt 2008 (= rowohlt's encyclopedia), 253-273. ISBN: 9783499556982.
Summertime Blues or: Is political education even possible? In: Bettina Gruber/Kathrin Hämmerle. Learn democracy today. Political education at a turning point. Vienna: Böhlau 2008, 57-72. ISBN 978-3-205-77746-5.
Europe, education, peace - a peace education outline. In: Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ed.): European Peace Policy. Content, differences, methods and opportunities. (= European Peace Policy, Volume 1). Vienna/Berlin: LIT 2008, 89-113. ISBN 978-3-7000-0764-7 and 978-3-8258-0932-4.
EURED – Professional peace education for all of Europe. In: ZEP (Journal for International Education Research and Development Education), Volume 30, Issue 2, May 2007, pp. 34-35. ISSN 1434-4688. Downloads:
Education for a Culture of Peace - The EURED Method. Human Rights and Peace Education in Europe 2004-2006. In: Toh Swee-Hin/Virginia F. Cawagas (eds.): Proceedings of the International Symposium “Cultivating Wisdom, Harvesting Peace”. Education for a Culture of Peace through Values, Virtues and Spirituality of Diverse Cultures, Faiths and Civilizations, 10-3 August 2005, Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. Brisbane: Multi-Faith Center 2006, 277-286. ISBN 0-646-46268-7.
Transcultural Approaches in Peace Education. A European Experience. In: Lee Seung-Mi/Johanna C. Encabo (eds.). Intercultural Understanding and Human Rights Education in the Era of Globalization. A report of the International Symposium on a Culture of Peace, 25-27 October 2006, Home Convention Center, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. Seoul: APCEIU 2006, 63-77.
communication and conflict. Plea for basic peace education training for teachers. In: Peter Antonitsch/Werner Delanoy/Friedrich Palencsar/Anneliese Theuermann/Kornelia Tischler (eds.): I + You ≠ We. Ways to communicate in teacher education. Klagenfurt: Drava 2006, 168-187. ISBN 10: 3-85435-487-8, ISBN 13: 978-3-85435-487-1.
The education for the conviviencia and the paz in Europe. Lecciones a aprender. In: Nélida Zaitegi (ed.): Educar para la conviviencia y la paz en Euskadi, hoy: jornadas, Palalcio Miramar, 26 – 28 July 2004. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia/Servicio Central de Publicaciones del Gobierno Vasco, 2005, 19-26. ISBN 84-457.2362.6.
Learning objective peace competence. For a public debate on the basic goals of educational policy. In: Development Policy Magazine, 1/2/2005, 42-45. ISSN 0720-4957.
Peace competence as a university task. problems and prospects. With a focus on Peace Education. In: Friedrich Palencsar, Kornelia Tischler, Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Knowledge creates peace. Peace education in teacher training. Klagenfurt: Drava 2005, 279-306. ISBN 3-85435-449-5.
Peace Education: Education in the Age of Globalization. In: Gerd Steffens/Edgar Weiß (eds.): Yearbook for Education 2004. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2004, 313-329. ISBN: 9783631531259.
The 'old Europe' and the new tasks for peace education. In: Journal of Peace Education, vol. 1, number 1, March 2004, 89-102. ISSN 1740-0201. Downloads:
"The Reality of the Distant Senses and the Reality of the Near Senses". Media education as peace education. In: Hartmut Jonas/Petra Josting (ed.): Media - German Lessons - Aesthetics. Munich: kopaed 2004, 115-126. ISBN 3-935686-73-0.
Together with Constanze Kren/Caroline Paar/Dieter Schindlauer/Elisabeth Turek/Marion Wisinger. Human rights education in Austria. In: Gabriele von Arnim, Volkmar Deile, Franz-Josef Hutter (ed.): Yearbook Human Rights 2004. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp 2003. ISBN 9783518455470.
A European Strategy for Peace Education: Eured. In: Johanna Lasonen/Leena Lestinen (eds). UNESCO Conference on Intercultural Education, 15-18 June 2003, Jyvaskyla, Finland. Conference Proceedings. Jyväskylä: Institute for Educational Research 2003. CD-Rom, ISBN 951-39-1531-X.
Education a la Paix. In: Dominique Groux/Soledad Perez/Louis Porcher/Val D. Rust/Noritomo Tasaki (sldd). Dictionnaire d'education compared. Paris: L'Harmattan (Coll. Education compared), 2003, 219-222. ISBN 978-2747541572.
Neutrality at the Cross-Roads: Peace Education in Austria. In: Werner Wintersteiner/Vedrana Spajić-Vrkaš/Rüdiger Teutsch (eds.): Peace Education in Europe. visions and experiences. Münster: Waxmann 2003 (= European Studies in Education, 19), 314-346. ISBN 978-3-8309-6260-1.
Rüdiger Teutsch/Werner Wintersteiner. National Entrenchment and the European Dimension of Peace Education: Preliminary Comments on the Case Studies In: Werner Wintersteiner/Vedrana Spajić-Vrkaš/Rüdiger Teutsch (eds.): Peace Education in Europe. visions and experiences. Münster: Waxmann 2003 (= European Studies in Education, 19), 123-137. ISBN 978-3-8309-6260-1.
Werner Wintersteiner/Vedrana Spajić-Vrkaš/Rüdiger Teutsch: Europe, Education and the Peace Challenge In: Werner Wintersteiner/Vedrana Spajić-Vrkaš/Rüdiger Teutsch (eds.): Peace Education in Europe. visions and experiences. Münster: Waxmann 2003 (= European Studies in Education, 19), 11-19. ISBN 978-3-8309-6260-1.
Éducation à l'altérité comme éducation à la paix: In: Pour une éducation à l'altérité. (Sous la direction de Dominique Groux). Paris: L'Harmattan (Coll. Education compared) 2002, 219-230. ISBN : 2-7475-2936-3.
The "European Youth Academy" as an instrument for school development and further training for teachers. In: Hermann Bürger, Bettina Gruber, Werner Wintersteiner for the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (ed.): Education for intercultural understanding. The handbook of the “European Youth Academy”. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag 2002, 240-255. ISBN 978-3706517027.
The European Youth Academy as an instrument for school development and teacher further training. In: Hermann Bürger / Bettina Gruber / Werner Wintersteiner on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (ed.): Education for Intercultural Understanding. The “European Youth Academy” Handbook. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag 2002, 234-247. ISBN 978-3-7065-1704-1.
Intercultural and peace education in the European context: The model “European Youth Academy”. In: Hermann Bürger, Bettina Gruber, Werner Wintersteiner for the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (ed.): Education for intercultural understanding. The handbook of the “European Youth Academy”. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag 2002, 13-22. ISBN 978-3706517027.
Intercultural and peace education within a European context: The model of the European Youth Academy. In: Hermann Bürger / Bettina Gruber / Werner Wintersteiner on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (ed.): Education for Intercultural Understanding. The “European Youth Academy” Handbook. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag 2002, 14-22. ISBN 978-3-7065-1704-1.
Between institution and movement. Future of Peace Education. In: Andreas Pecha, Thomas Roithner, Thomas Walter (eds.): Peace needs movement. Analyzes and perspectives of the peace movement in Austria. Haid: Thomas Roithner Verlag 2002, 174-181. ISBN 9783950209815.
Global Responsibility Education. Global learning as a new paradigm in peace education? In: Journal for international educational research and development policy, vol. 23, issue 2/2000, June 2000, pp. 6-10. ISSN 1434-4688. Downloads:
“Culture of Peace” in school. School development from a peace education perspective. In: Werner Koehler/Bernhard Nolz (ed.). Education for a culture of peace. Stadtschlaining 2000 (= Schlaining working papers 2/2000), 18-26.
pedagogy of the other. Building blocks for a peace education in the postmodern age. Münster: agenda 1999. 400 pages. ISBN 3-89688-042-X.
Werner Wintersteiner (ed.): The new Europe is growing from below. Mirovna vzgoya | Education alla pace | Odgoj za me | Peace education as a culture of peace. Klagenfurt: Drava, 1994. (in four languages). ISBN 978-3854352167.
Werner Wintersteiner (ed.): Peace Education. Information on German didactics (ide), 15th year, 1/1991. ISSN 1431-4355. Downloads:
"The Star of Hope over the Heart". The concept of the “culture of peace” and its importance for peace education. In: Nolz, Bernhard/Wolfgang Popp (eds.): Learning together – learning from one another. Perspectives for a culture of peace in Europe. Münster: LIT 1999 ( = Culture of Peace in Europe. Materials for Peace Education, Volume 1), 63-72. ISBN 978-3-8258-3991-5.
The Mystery of Violence. An attempt about the ambivalence of civilization, the "culture of peace" and the scope of education. In: ÖSFK (ed.): Peace policy of civil society. Münster: agenda 1998 (= Volume 4 of the publication series of the ÖSFK. Studies for European Peace Policy), 91-103. ISBN: 3896880357.
Steps towards a culture of peace. In: Gazdić, Sašo/Mojca Hudolin/Jelka Vintar (eds.): Zgodba za Macija. Ljubljana: Mirovni Institute, Karantanija, Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo in šport, 34-41.
alternatives to violence. Theses on the reorientation of peace education. An introduction. In: Arno Truger/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.) Peace Education after the “Cold War”. New tasks - new ways. (= Concrete peace education. School practical handouts for peace education. Volume 1) Stadtschlaining 1993, 5-13.
Teze k mirovni vzgoji. In: Teorija in praksa, Ljubljana, st. 5-6 (May-June) 1992, 463-472. ISSN 00403598.
Peace education in the Austrian school system. In: pedagogy and peace, information service of the working group documentation center for peace education at the University of the Arts, Berlin, issue 2/1991, 4-11.