Gertraud Diendorfer and others:
Peace Research - Conflict Research - Democracy Research

The Handbook on Peace, Conflict and Democracy Research is the result of cooperation between research institutes that are part of the Conflict Peace Democracy Cluster (CPDC). It illuminates the three fields of conflict, peace and democracy research as well as their interdisciplinary similarities in theory, concept and methodology. It offers teachers, students and all interested parties an initial orientation, encourages more in-depth analyzes and debates and aims to contribute to further networking of the research areas. The contributions reflect the diversity of the different tasks and goals of the institutes of the conflict, peace and democracy cluster. They stand for a specific, clearly pronounced understanding of science: It is not just about research for colleagues, but about applied research and its communication - both to the general public and to decision-makers in politics, education and business.

ISBN 978-3-205-20203-5
