Werner Wintersteiner/Lisa Wolf (eds.):
Peace research in Austria

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Center for Peace Research and Peace Education (ZFF) at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (AAU), this publication presents a variety of research areas: Interactive conflict transformation Peace learning Alps-Adriatic peace region Epistemic violence Tourism and peace · Human rights · Global Citizenship Education · Art and Peace · Migration as a question of peace …

In addition, around 35 experts comment on the situation of peace research in Austria. Selected international voices provide the necessary contextualization. The balance: peace research makes important contributions to the analysis and change of society as well as to the international theoretical discussion. However, it suffers from a lack of institutionalization and therefore needs better (inter)university anchoring, international networking and deserves more generous structural and non-material support.

ISBN 978-3-85435-779-7
