Peace research focuses on the study of war, which it understands as a destructive, violent conflict, as well as on (social) violence in general. However, she is also concerned with researching constructive, peace-promoting conflict resolution - in particular with the possibilities and conditions of containing, reducing or transforming (primarily collective) violence and the practice, construction or emergence of (political, socio-cultural and socio-psychological) peace. Accordingly, the double term “peace and conflict research” is used very often to describe the discipline.
Peace research is thus characterized (a) by its focus on (organized) social violence, especially the institution of war, and (b) by its normative orientation: reducing violence, also overcoming the institution of war, and building peace. According to Egbert Jahn, peace research is an “interdisciplinary research complex” or, according to Sabine Jaberg, “a research program with variable content that can assume different disciplinary aggregate states.”
In this sense, one can also include the fields of “Peace Education”, “Global Citizenship Education”, “Alps-Adriatic” or “Literature and Society” of peace research. However, for the sake of clarity, they are presented separately here. Overlaps are unavoidable.
Activities and research focus
My occupation with many fields of peace research has gradually developed from the fields of "Culture and Peace" and "Peace Education". A milestone was the founding of the Center for Peace Research and Peace Education (ZFF) at the Alpen-Adria-Universität in 2005, together with Brigitte Hipfl and Helga Rabenstein-Moser, with strong support from Dean Karl Stuhlpfarrer and Rector Günther Hödl. Compare the work of the ZFF, of which I was director for many years, the brochure “Center for Peace Research and Peace Education. Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Faculty of Cultural Studies” (2008):
A detailed overview with an assessment of the activities of the center can be found in this essay by Bettina Gruber and Werner Wintersteiner:
1000 women for peace
(2005 to 2006)
The Unterstützung des internationalen Projekts, das 1000 Frauen aus der ganzen Welt stellvertretend für die Millionen Frauen, die in der Friedensarbeit tätig sind, für den Friedensnobelpreis 2005 nominierte (inklusive fünf Frauen aus Österreich, darunter eine ehemalige Studierende der Uni Klagenfurt), war eine der ersten wichtigen Aktionen des neu gegründeten Friedenszentrums, gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Medienkommunikation. Brigitte Hipfl und Christina Schachtner entwickelten dazu eine Begleitforschung. Ein ausführlicher Bericht findet sich im ersten Yearbook Peace Culture.
Yearbook Peace Culture
(2006 to 2016, 10 volumes)
The ZFF has had that from the start Yearbook Peace Culture published, on the one hand as a performance show of the center, on the other hand as a contribution to the discussion for the international scientific community. (Claudia Brunner, Bettina Gruber, Viktorija Ratković, Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle and I were in charge). The focus on culture of peace should mark a specific profile of the Klagenfurt center. (See.
Culture & Conflict
(Research and publication program, 2009 to 2016, 8 volumes)
The program was implemented by the interfaculty research network "Culture & Conflict" at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (women's and gender studies, peace research and cultural studies) in the form of conferences and workshops. (see also the field of work "Literature and Society”)
Interactive conflict management
(Research and publication project 2012 to 2016)
Wilfried Graf, with whom I worked closely, was responsible for this research field of the ZFF, also within the framework of the Herbert C. Kelman Institute for Interactive Conflict Transformation (HKI). The result is a number of publications in journals, the publication of a book with selected texts by conflict researcher Herbert C. Kelman (DOI and three international conferences at Harvard University, where Herbert C. Kelman worked in Cambridge “The Transformation of Intractable Conflicts. Perspectives and Challenges for Interactive Problem Solving” (Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University):
- 27-29 March 2014:
- 16-18 March 2017:
Eine Publikation mit den wichtigsten Beiträgen der drei Konferenzen ist 2024 erschienen:
Another activity in this field was the Austrian-Slovenian project “Building the Peace Region Alps-Adriatic. Envisioning Future by Dealing with the Past.
Promoting open and inclusive public discourse within Austria and Slovenia and between the countries” (2014-2020). It will work in the field Alps-Adriatic shown in more detail.
Tourism & Peace
(Research and publication project 2012 to 2015)
This work area was headed by Cordula Wohlmuther. It was a collaborative project with UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in Madrid. His results were two publications: das International Handbook on Tourism and Peace and a study on peace tourism in the Alps-Adriatic region, which also appeared in book form: "There, where our grandfathers fought against each other..." The "peace paths" on the front line of the First World War: tourism and peace in the Alps-Adriatic region. For the International Handbook, the editors Wohlmuther and Wintersteiner were awarded the Book prize of the International Tourism Exchange (ITB) Berlin in the ITB Special Management Award category.
Carinthia, Alps-Adriatic, Southeastern Europe
This area of work played a major role in the work of the ZFF right from the start. He will in field of workAlps-Adriatic" presented.
History and record of the peace movement and peace research
(many years of individual research)
My focus in this extensive area of work is on the one hand studies on the peace movement in Austria, especially on the eve of the First World War (Bertha von Suttner, Alfred Fried). This resulted in various essays and the exhibition I curated, Thinking Peace into Reality! Peace thinkers and peace activists from Austria since the Second World War" as part of the 35th Summer Academy at Burg Schlaining 2018. A second focus is the history and current status of peace research in Austria, presented in some essays and especially in the one published together with Lisa Wolf A book Peace research in Austria. balance sheet and prospects (see publications below).
Subject: History: Peace Research (March 2019, Ö1)
The Conflict - Peace - Democracy - Cluster (CPDC)
(Permanent structured partnership 2011 to 2013)
At the beginning of 2011, competences previously distributed among four institutions were bundled in an initially limited cluster at Austria's only faculty for interdisciplinary research and further education (iff) at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Vienna and Graz. The institutes involved retained their identity, but an innovative "double structure" was intended to enable permanent cooperation and, in the long term, integration into university structures. This Conflict Peace Democracy Cluster (CPDC) was the cooperation of the ZFF of the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt with the three non-university institutions:
- Democracy Center Vienna
- Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ÖSFK) Schlaining (today ACP)
- Institute for Conflict Research (IFK) Vienna
This cooperation meant a lot for the ZFF, as it enabled new projects to be tackled that could not be managed internally, such as the realignment of the Schlaining summer academies or the handbook Peace Research - Conflict Research - Democracy Research.
Despite a very positive evaluation of the project, the rectorate of the University of Klagenfurt refused to continue the cluster. As a result, the University of Graz took over this coordination task. Please refer:
Network Peace and Conflict Research Austria (NEFKÖ)
(Austria platform)
The impetus for founding the network came in 2015 from a ZFF survey of experts on the situation of peace research in Austria. It revealed that there is a lack of networked, institutionalized and organized peace and conflict research. Since 2016, NeFKÖ has developed as a polyphonic association of people who are active in peace and conflict research and peace and conflict management in Austria: at universities and colleges, in educational institutions and associations, in non-governmental organizations and in the public service, as Self-employed or as private individuals - disciplinary, inter- and transdisciplinary, cross-generational and future-oriented. The goals of the NeFKÖ network are to strengthen and make visible peace and conflict research and peace work in Austria. It is organized through annual meetings and a coordination committee. See also:
Campaign Homeland Earth
(International campaign of the Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR) in cooperation with the HKI, 2021)
The occasion was the 100th birthday of the French philosopher Edgar Morin, who in 1993 wrote in his book Terre Patrie developed the concept of planetary consciousness. Planetary consciousness means the insight that world peace and peace with nature are the closely related main tasks of humanity today. Morin provided a greeting to the campaign. Under my leadership, a 20-page manifesto was created, which is available in several languages. Other materials include a Homeland Earth film and Homeland Earth passport cover templates. A highlight was the International Summer Academy (September 2021) on this topic. More than 60 organizations, from China to Sri Lanka and the African continent to Latin America, joined the campaign, shared the manifesto and launched their own initiatives. Please refer:
Important links:
- Austrian Center for Peace (ACP)
- Peace Cluster: University of Graz
- Herbert C. Kelman Institute for Interactive Conflict Transformation (HKI)
- International Institute for Peace (IIP)
- International Fellowship of Reconciliation Austrian branch
- Working Group for Peace and Conflict Research (AFK)
- International Peace Research Association (IPRA)
Edgar Morin: Von Krieg zu Krieg. Von 1940 bis zur Invasion der Ukraine. Herausgegeben von Werner Wintersteiner und Wilfried Graf. Wien: Turia + Kant 2023. ISBN 978-3-98514-075-6.
Learning to rethink the world - a plea for planetary politics. Lessons from Corona and other existential crises. Bielefeld: transcript 2021. 212 pages. ISBN: 978-3-8376-5635-0. Downloads:
Ulrich Kaufmann, Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Dober day. The Greeting Machine | Pozdravni stroj. A mouthpiece for better understanding in Carinthia | Glasilo za boljše razumevanje na Koroškem. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Hermagoras/Mohorjeva 2020. ISBN: 978-3-7086-1141-9.
Jan Brousek/Danijel Grafenauer/Werner Wintersteiner/Daniel Wutti (Eds. | ur.): SLOVENIA | AUSTRIA: Liberating Remembrance – Osvobajajoče spominjanje. Dialogic processing of the past – Dialoško obravnavanje zgodovine. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava 2020. ISBN 978-3-85435-948-7.
Werner Wintersteiner/Cristina Beretta/Mira Miladinović Zalaznik (Eds. | a cura di | ur.): Manifest|o Alpe-Adria. Voices for a Europe Region of Peace and Prosperity | Voci per una regione europea di pace e prosperità | Glasovi za evropsko regijo miru in blagostanya. Vienna: Löcker 2020. ISBN: 978-3-99098-027-9.
„Conceptualizing Change in the World System?“ Towards a More Complex and Comprehensive Understanding of Peace and Conflict Research. In: Tamra Pearson d’Estrée (ed.): Shifting Protracted Conflict Systems Through Local Interactions. Abingdon/New York: Routledge 2024, 57-78.
Der Thirring Plan und seine aktuelle Bedeutung. In: International V/2023, ISNN 1010-9285, S. 36-39.
Peace Republic of Austria in the homeland of Earth. In: International 1/2023, 5-7. ISSN 1010-9285.
Wilfried Graf / Werner Wintersteiner: ABC des Friedens / Glossary of Peace. In: Tom Juncker/Adina Seeger (Hg.): Frieden / Peace. Wien: JMW 2023, 28-49.
Learn to rethink the world. In: Bernhard Wieser/Kirstin Mertlitsch/Arno Bammé (eds.): Transformations. Socio-philosophical perspectives of change. Wiesbaden, Springer VS 2022, 19-47. ISBN 978-3-658-38608-5.
peace and security or violence and insecurity. In: FREDA. The green future academy (ed.): Peace is possible - but safe! Vienna 2022, 59-66. Downloads:
Focus on the peace goals. The logic of peace and non-violence in the Ukraine war. In: Crane. Newspaper of the Salzburg Peace Office, Summer 2/2022, 6-7.
Central values for the development of a humane society. In: Socio-Pedagogical Impulses 3/2022, 4-6. ISSN 1023-6929.
The underestimated resistance. The role of nonviolent action the way to peace. In: way of life. The magazine for sustainable living culture 3/2022, 34-35. ISSN 1994-425X.
The underrated nonviolent alternative. Interview. In: PAX 2/2022, 4-5.
steps towards peace. Five proposals for war against Ukraine. In: Science & Peace, vol. 40, 2/2022, 24-26.
"War is a crime against humanity": The voice of Ukrainian pacifists. In: Europastimme, vol. 61, 3rd edition, September 2022, 4-8. ISSN 0014-2727. Downloads:
The underestimated resistance. Nonviolent actions in Ukraine. An overview. In: Europastimme, vol. 61, 2nd edition, June 2022, 20-27. ISSN 0014-2727. Downloads:
Peace policy under scrutiny. Thinking about the Ukraine war. In: Heinz Gärtner (ed.): The Ukraine at War. Is peace possible? Vienna: Lit 2022, 267-281. ISBN 978-3-643-51116-4.
A man of peace and dialogue in an oasis of humanity. In: kaz # 033, June 2022, 60-61.
A Social Psychologist in the Service of Peace - Herbert Kelman. In: International Journal of Social Psychology and Group Dynamics in Economy and Society, Vol. 47, Issue 1/2022, 16-23. ISSN 0354-928X.
peace for world society. The life of a great humanist - obituary for Herbert Kelman. In: International II/2022, 48-50. ISSN 1010-9285.
Madness and its methods. Thinking about the Ukraine war. In: International II/2022, 13-18. ISSN 1010-9285.
Werner Wintersteiner / Marjan Sturm: Visions and Ways - Civil Society Cooperation in the Alps-Adriatic Region. In: Karl Anderwald/Karl Hren/Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle. Carinthian Yearbook for Politics 2021 | Koroški politični zbornik 2021. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Mohorjeva/Hermagoras 2021, 277-293. ISBN 978-3-7086-1182-2. Downloads:
Werner Wintersteiner / Wilfried Graf: Nos finalités terrestres: pour un optimisme éclairé. In: Alfredo Pena-Vega (sldd) (2021): L'Avenir de Terre-Patrie. Cheminer with Edgar Morin. Arles: Actes Sud. ISBN 978-2-330-15166-9
A museum about the prehistory of human civilization. In: Elena Messner/Peter Pirker (eds.) 2021: Wars belong in the museum. But how?. Vienna: Edition Atelier, 300-308. ISBN 978-3-99065-061-5.
Wilfried Graf/Werner Wintersteiner: Herbert C. Kelman: from social-psychological peace research to the theory and practice of international peace mediation. In: Die Friedens-Warte, Vol. 94 (1-2) 2021, 124-136. ISSN 0340-0255.
homeland earth. A campaign for planetary thinking and feeling, planning and acting. In: International II/2021, 30-34. ISSN 1010-9285.
– Yearbook Peace Culture. Book series by Drava Verlag. 2006 to 2016.
– alpe-adria. Peace Education and Peace Policy Journal. Edited by Werner Wintersteiner and Bettina Gruber. Quarterly. 1986 to 2000.
– Culture and Conflict. Book series in Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld. 2009 to 2016.
Cordula Wohlmuther/Werner Wintersteiner: "There, where our grandfathers fought against each other..." The "peace paths" on the front line of the First World War: tourism and peace in the Alps-Adriatic region. Klagenfurt / Celovec: Drava 2018. ISBN 978-3-85435-767-4.
Josef Feldner/Danijel Grafenauer/Wilfried Graf/Janez Stergar/Marjan Sturm/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Building the Peace Region Alps-Adriatic. Alps-Adriatic Peace Region. Klagenfurt/Celovec 2018.
Herbert C. Kelman: Resolving deep-rooted conflicts. Essays on the Theory and Practice of Interactive Problem-Solving. Edited by Werner Wintersteiner and Wilfried Graf. London: Routledge 2017. ISBN-10: 1138961639, ISBN-13: 978-1138961630. preview download:
Werner Wintersteiner/Lisa Wolf (eds.): Peace research in Austria. balance sheet and prospects. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava 2016. (Peace Culture Yearbook, Vol. 10) ISBN 978-3-85435-779-7. Downloads:
Gertraud Diendorfer/Blanka Bellak/Anton Pelinka/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Peace Research - Conflict Research - Democracy Research. A manual. Vienna: Böhlau Verlag 2016. ISBN 978-3-205-20203-5. Download the introduction:
Bettina Gruber/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Learning Peace – an Integrative Part of Peacebuilding. Experiences from the Alps-Adriatic Region. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava 2014. (Yearbook Peace Culture 2014) ISBN 978-3-85435751-3. Downloads:
Cordula Wohlmuther/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): International Handbook on Tourism and Peace. Klagenfurt: Drava 2014. (Yearbook Peace Culture 2013) ISBN 978-3-85435-713-1. Downloads:
Karl Müller, Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): "The earth does not want to carry smoke mushrooms". War and Peace in Literature. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag 2011 (literature series Literature Institute for Austrian Studies | Austrian Competence Center for German Didactics, Volume 25). ISBN 978-3-7065-5099-4.
Werner Wintersteiner: Ten lessons from the corona crisis. In: Pedagogical leadership. Journal for school management and school counseling 31st year 6/2020, 224-226. Kronach and Cologne: Carl Link Verlag. ISSN 0939-0413.
Antifascism and pacifism - do they go together? Naturally! In: Jan Brousek / Danijel Grafenauer / Werner Wintersteiner / Daniel Wutti (Eds. | ur.)
SLOVENIA | AUSTRIA: Liberating Remembrance – Osvobajajoče spominjanje
Dialogic processing of the past – Dialoško obravnavanje zgodovine. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava 2020, 637-638 | 639-640 (bilingual). ISBN 978-3-85435-948-7.
Ethics and aesthetics of memory. An essay commenting on the PRAA project. In: Jan Brousek / Danijel Grafenauer / Werner Wintersteiner / Daniel Wutti (Eds. | ur.)
SLOVENIA | AUSTRIA: Liberating Remembrance – Osvobajajoče spominjanje
Dialogic processing of the past – Dialoško obravnavanje zgodovine. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava 2020, 509-523 | 524-536 (bilingual). ISBN 978-3-85435-948-7.
Werner Wintersteiner/Jan Brousek/Daniel Grafenauer/Daniel Wutti: Liberate the future from the violence of the past! Motives, goals and results of the PRAA project. In: Jan Brousek / Danijel Grafenauer / Werner Wintersteiner / Daniel Wutti (Eds. | ur.)
SLOVENIA | AUSTRIA: Liberating Remembrance – Osvobajajoče spominjanje
Dialogic processing of the past – Dialoško obravnavanje zgodovine. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava 2020, 13-34 | 35-53 (bilingual). ISBN 978-3-85435-948-7.
“Europe will be the daughter of the improbable. Or it won't be.” Eight theses for a Europe of the future. In: Mira Miladinović Zalaznik/Dean Komel (eds.|eds.): Europe at the Crossroads of Contemporary World. 100 Years after the Great War | Europe at the crossroads of the contemporary world. 100 years close to the Great War. Ljubljana: Institute Nove revije 2020, 351-369. ISBN 078-961-7014-23-5.
Werner Wintersteiner: "... what saves grows too". On the Background of the Alps-Adriatic Manifesto | "... cresce anche ciò che ti salva". Da dove nasce il Manifesto dell'Alpe Adria | "... rested tudi rešilno". O ozadju Manifesta Alpe-Jadran. In: Werner Wintersteiner, Cristina Beretta, Mira Miladinović Zalaznik (ed. | a cura di | ur.): Manifest|o Alpe-Adria. Voices for a Europe Region of Peace and Prosperity | Voci per una regione europea di pace e prosperità | Glasovi za evropsko regijo miru in blagostanya. Vienna: Löcker 2020, 63-70 | 71-78 | 79-85 (trilingual). ISBN: 978-3-99098-027-9.
Werner Wintersteiner: The Alps-Adriatic Manifesto | The Manifesto dell'Alpe Adria | Manifesto Alpe-Jadran. In: Werner Wintersteiner, Cristina Beretta, Mira Miladinović Zalaznik (ed. | a cura di | ur.): Manifest|o Alpe-Adria. Voices for a Europe Region of Peace and Prosperity | Voci per una regione europea di pace e prosperità | Glasovi za evropsko regijo miru in blagostanya. Vienna: Löcker 2020, 29-40 | 41-52 | 53-62 (trilingual). ISBN: 978-3-99098-027-9.
Werner Wintersteiner/Cristina Beretta: If you want it, do it. About this book | Preface |O knjigi. In: Werner Wintersteiner, Cristina Beretta, Mira Miladinović Zalaznik (ed. | a cura di | ur.): Manifest|o Alpe-Adria. Voices for a Europe Region of Peace and Prosperity | Voci per una regione europea di pace e prosperità | Glasovi za evropsko regijo miru in blagostanya. Vienna: Löcker 2020, 11-16 | 17-21 | 22-26 (trilingual). ISBN: 978-3-99098-027-9.
Great War at Little Pal. In: Gerhard Pilgram/Wilhelm Berger/Werner Koroschitz: Out of the narrow. Hiking and stopping off in north-west Friuli. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava 2019, 131-137. ISBN 978-3-85435-918-0
Europe manifestos. (Feasible) visions for the future of the continent? In: International II/2019, 14-17. ISSN 1010-9285.
peace and tourism. In: Hans J. Gießmann/Bernhard Rinke (eds.): Handbuch Frieden. Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2019², 709-717. ISBN 978-3-658-23643-4.
Road to reconciliation in Bosnia? Commemorate the victims together. In: Science & Peace 2018-4, 43-44. ISSN 0947-3971.
Epilogue : 1914 – de la culture de la violence à la culture de la guerre. In : Rémi Fabre, Thierry Bonzon, Jean-Michel Guieu, Elisa Marcobelli et Michel Rapoport (dir.): Les défenseurs de la paix 1899 – 1917. Presses universitaires de Rennes (PUR) 2018, 193-208. ISBN 978-2-7535-7546-2.
Think peace into reality! In: Susanne Jalka (ed.): Thinking Art Peace. approaches to humanity. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Edition Angewandte 2018, 165-187, ISBN 978-3-11-058989-4.
Fifteen theses on illiberal democracy. In: Helmuth A. Niederle (ed.): Europe's civil society and the consequences of globalization for politics, business and society. Vienna: Löcker 2018, 75-81. ISBN 978-3-85409-937-6.
The realistic utopia of open borders. The global citizenship perspective to overcome 'methodological nationalism'. In: Bettina Gruber/Viktorija Ratković (eds.): Migration. Education. Peace. Perspectives for living together in post-migrant society, Münster: Waxmann 2017, 163-178. ISBN 978-3-8309-3724-1.
Werner Wintersteiner/Wilfried Graf: Introduction: "Seek Peace and Pursue it!" In: Herbert C. Kelman: Resolving deep-rooted conflicts. Essays on the Theory and Practice of Interactive Problem-Solving. Edited by Werner Wintersteiner and Wilfried Graf. London: Routledge 2017, 1-17. ISBN-10: 1138961639, ISBN-13: 978-1138961630.
The struggle to avoid world war. Bertha von Suttner and the Austrian peace movement before 1914 from today's perspective. In: Johann Georg Lughofer/Milan Tvrdík (eds.): Suttner in context. Interdisciplinary contributions to the work and life of the Nobel Peace Prize winner. Heidelberg: Winter 2017, 17-44. ISBN 978-3-8253-6552-3
In the middle of the turmoil. Poetic and political pacifism in the work of Bertha von Suttner. In: Johann Georg Lughofer and Stéphane Pesnel (eds.): Literary pacifism and pacifist literature. Bertha von Suttner on the 100th anniversary of his death. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2016, 27-43. ISBN-13: 9783826056499.
Werner Wintersteiner and Wilfried Graf: Peace Research in Times of Upheaval. Plea for (self-)critical reorientation and transdisciplinary cooperation. In: Wintersteiner, Werner/Lisa Wolf: Peace Research in Austria. balance sheet and prospects. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava 2016, 16-37. ISBN 978-3-85435-779-7. Downloads:
Wilfried Graf and Werner Wintersteiner: Ethics and knowledge. Hermann Broch's importance for today's peace research (on the 65th anniversary of the author's death). In: Wintersteiner, Werner/Lisa Wolf: Peace Research in Austria. balance sheet and prospects. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava 2016, 78-93. ISBN 978-3-85435-779-7. Downloads:
Blanka Bellak, Gertraud Diendorfer, Birgitt Haller, Verena Winiwarter and Werner Wintersteiner: The Conflict, Peace and Democracy Research Cluster (CPDC). An interim assessment (2011–2015). In: Wintersteiner, Werner/Lisa Wolf: Peace Research in Austria. balance sheet and prospects. Klagenfurt/ Celovec: Drava 2016, 187-196. ISBN 978-3-85435-779-7. Downloads:
Werner Wintersteiner and Bettina Gruber: The Center for Peace Research and Peace Education. Development, fields of work, prospects. In: Wintersteiner, Werner/Lisa Wolf: Peace Research in Austria. balance sheet and prospects. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava 2016, 197-210. ISBN 978-3-85435-779-7. Downloads:
Werner Wintersteiner: Austrian peace research. Stations and keywords of their (pre)history. In: Wintersteiner, Werner/Lisa Wolf: Peace Research in Austria. balance sheet and prospects. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava 2016, 227-236. ISBN 978-3-85435-779-7. Downloads:
Wilfried Graf/Werner Wintersteiner: Peace Research. Foundations and Perspectives. In: Gertraud Diendorfer/Blanka Bellak/Anton Pelinka/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Peace Research – Conflict Research – Democracy Research. A manual. Vienna: Böhlau Verlag 2016, 35-86. ISBN 978-3-205-20203-5.
From a Culture of Memory to a Culture of Peace. Perspectives for the Alps-Adriatic Region. In: Bettina Gruber/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Learning Peace – an Integrative Part of Peacebuilding. Experiences from the Alps-Adriatic Region. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava 2014, 187-208. ISBN 978-3-85435751-3. Downloads:
Werner Wintersteiner/Cordula Wohlmuther: Peace Sensitive Tourism: How Tourism Can Contribute to Peace, in: Cordula Wohlmuther/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): International Handbook on Tourism and Peace. Klagenfurt: Drava 2014, 31-61. ISBN 978-3-85435-713-1.
Cordula Wohlmuther/Werner Wintersteiner/Mira Wagner: Connected by the Trails that Used to Divide Us. Peace Trails in the Alps-Adriatic Region, in: Cordula Wohlmuther/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): International Handbook on Tourism and Peace. Klagenfurt: Drava 2014, 321-334. ISBN 978-3-85435-713-1. Downloads:
Cordula Wohlmuther/Werner Wintersteiner: Tourism and Peace – an Emerging Field of Action and Research, in: Cordula Wohlmuther/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): International Handbook on Tourism and Peace. Klagenfurt: Drava 2014, 17-28. ISBN 978-3-85435-713-1. Downloads:
The Peace Policy Potential of European Foreign and Security Policy. In: Thomas Roithner/Johann Frank/Eva Huber (eds.): Values, weapons, economic power. Where is the EU peace and security policy headed? Vienna: LIT 2014, 17-33. ISBN 978-3-643-50541-5.
Wilfried Graf and Werner Wintersteiner: On the paths of Herbert Kelman.
Interactive conflict mediation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In: wiener leaflets on peace research. Quarterly journal of the University Center for Peace Research (UZF). Issue 157 December 2013, 35-47.
Unwelcome answers. Reply to Thomas Nowotny's "Unwelcome questions about (Austrian) security policy". In: International, Issue II/2013, 12-14. ISSN 1010-9285.
Think Europe through. Remarks on a necessary fundamental debate. In: Lojze Wieser (ed.): Democratic Unification of Europe. Dare to hope. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Wieser 2013, 27-31. ISBN 978-3-99029-066-8.
Modest proposal to convert the Ministry of Defense into a Ministry for Peace and Security - arguments for a foreign policy based on peace policy in Austria. In: Thomas Roithner, Johann Frank/Eva Huber (eds.): How much security does peace need? Civilian and military approaches to the Austrian security strategy. Vienna: Lit 2013, 57-76. ISBN 978-3-643-50465-4.
The continent of crises and creativity. Ten theses for a united Europe. In: Elias Bierdel/Maximilian Lakitsch (eds.): Ways out of the crisis. Ideas and concepts for tomorrow. Vienna/Berlin: Lit 2013, 35-47. ISBN 978-3-643-50466-1.
The strategic optimism of peace research. Herbert Kelman on his 85th birthday. In: Journal for Peace and Conflict Research, 2/2012, 324-328. ISSN 2192-1741.
Wilfried Graf/Werner Wintersteiner: Austria's contributions to international civil conflict management. Plea for science-based, multi-paradigmatic and multi-method cooperation "on an equal footing" between state and non-state actors. In: Johann Pucher, Johann Frank (eds.): Strategy and Security 2012. The scope for Austrian security policy. Vienna: Böhlau 2012, pp. 439-450. ISBN 978-3-205-78800-3.
"Carinthia is by the sea". Vision of a peace region. In: Wolfgang Petritsch/Wilfried Graf/Gudrun Kramer (eds.) (2012): Carinthia is by the sea. Conflict stories about trauma, power and identity. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava/Heyn, 524-545. ISBN 978-3-85435-647-9.
Werner Wintersteiner/Wilfried Graf: Peace-oriented security policy through conflict management using peaceful means. In: International IV/2011, 20-23. ISSN 1010-9285.
"A period of humanity of the most dreadful kind must be ended". Tasks of peace research today. In: Willi Urbanek (ed.): 100 Years Nobel Peace Prize to Alfred Hermann Fried. Revolutionary pacifist. Vienna: District Museum Alsergrund 2011, 133-145. ISBN 3-902140-08-9.
A step towards the “human right to peace”. The Declaration of Santiago 2010. In: Friedensforum (Stadtschlaining), vol. 25, issue 3/4, June 2011, pp. 6-8. ISSN 1027-0558.
Viktorija Ratković/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Culture of Peace. A Concept and a Campaign Revisited. Klagenfurt/Celovec: Drava 2010. (= Yearbook Peace Culture 2010) ISBN 978-3-85435-631-8. Downloads:
Werner Wintersteiner / Georg Gombos / Daniela Gronold (eds.): Border traffic | Ména|mejà; Confini|confronti; Border dis|solutions: multilingualism, transculturality and education in the Alps-Adriatic region; Večjezičnost, transkulturnost in izobrazba; Plurlinguismo, transculturalità e istruzione; Multilingualism, Transculturality and Education. Klagenfurt: Wieser 2010. ISBN 978-3-85129-880-2.
Bettina Gruber/Daniela Rippitsch/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Human rights and peace. (Yearbook Peace Culture 2009). Klagenfurt: Drava 2009. ISBN 978-3-85435-592-2. Downloads:
Utta Isop/Viktorija Ratković/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Rules of the game of violence. Cultural studies contributions to peace and gender research. Bielefeld: transcript 2009. ISBN 978-3-8376-1175-5.
Bettina Gruber/Daniela Rippitsch/Karl Stuhlpfarrer/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): International trouble spots and conflicts. Yearbook Peace Culture 2008. Klagenfurt: Drava 2008. ISBN 978-3-85435-549-6. Downloads:
Kathrin Hämmerle/Brigitte Hipfl/Helga Rabenstein/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Dialogue of Civilizations. Klagenfurt: Drava 2007. (Peace Culture Yearbook 2007) ISBN 978-3-85435-528-1.
Brigitte Hipfl, Helga Rabenstein, Werner Wintersteiner for the Center for Peace Research and Peace Education (ed.): Yearbook Peace Culture 2006, Klagenfurt: Drava 2006. ISBN 3-85435-486-X. Downloads:
Renewing Peace Research with Culture of Peace. In: Viktorija Ratković/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Culture of Peace. A Concept and a Campaign Revisited. Klagenfurt/Celovec 2010, 40-57. ISBN 978-3-85435-631-8. Downloads:
Viktorija Ratković/Werner Wintersteiner: Regards on and Perspectives of "The Decade of a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World". In: Viktorija Ratković/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Culture of Peace. A Concept and a Campaign Revisited. Klagenfurt/Celovec 2010, 10-14. ISBN 978-3-85435-631-8. Downloads:
"Lay down your arms" - a project that is still up-to-date. In: Johann Georg Lughofer (ed.): In the prism. Bertha von Suttner "Down with your arms!", Vienna: Edition Art Science 2010, 193-210. ISBN 978-3-902157-73-7.
"The tradition of human rights is still alive". About the unity of peace and human rights. In: Bettina Gruber/Daniela Rippitsch/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Human Rights and Peace, 31-44. Klagenfurt: Drava 2009. ISBN 978-3-85435-592-2. Downloads:
Utta Isop/Viktorija Ratković/Werner Wintersteiner. The rules of the pre-war. To this book. In: Utta Isop/Viktorija Ratković/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Game Rules of Violence. Cultural studies contributions to peace and gender research. Bielefeld: transcript 2009, 9-17. ISBN 978-3-8376-1175-5.
dialogue of cultures. In: Kathrin Hämmerle/Brigitte Hipfl/Helga Rabenstein/Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Dialogue of Civilizations. Yearbook Peace Culture 2007. Klagenfurt: Drava 2007, 17–27. ISBN 978-3-85435-528-1. Downloads:
Down with the weapons! – a peace education program? In: International Bertha von Suttner Association (ed.): Peace - Progress - Women. Nobel Peace Prize winner Bertha von Suttner at Harmannsdorf Castle. Vienna-Berlin: LIT 2007, 107-130. ISBN 978-3-7000-0750-0.
The culture of peace - a new key concept in peace research? In: Brigitte Hipfl/Helga Rabenstein/Werner Wintersteiner for the Center for Peace Research and Peace Education (ed.): Yearbook Peace Culture 2006, Klagenfurt: Drava 2006, 94-108. ISBN 3-85435-486-X. Downloads:
"The Lego bricks don't lie down by themselves." Speech at the opening of the Center for Peace Research and Peace Education, June 10, 2006. In: Brigitte Hipfl/Helga Rabenstein/Werner Wintersteiner for the Center for Peace Research and Peace Education (eds.): Yearbook Friedenskultur 2006, Klagenfurt: Drava 2006, 16–22 .ISBN 3-85435-486-X. Downloads:
quarrelsomeness, quarrelsomeness, martial arts. In: Irmgard Bohunovsky-Bärnthaler (ed.): dispute. domain of culture. Klagenfurt: Ritter 2006, 161-185. ISBN: 978-3-85415-390-0.
What's the name of Peace? Plea for a political-cultural concept of peace. In: Friedrich Palencsar, Kornelia Tischler, Werner Wintersteiner (eds.): Knowledge creates peace. Peace education in teacher training. Klagenfurt: Drava 2005, 61-92. ISBN 3-85435-449-5
Culture of Peace - a political and an educational challenge. In: Pete Hämmerle/Thomas Roithner (eds.): Falling into the spokes of the wheel. Voices of Nobel Peace Prize Winners and the Austrian Network for a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence. A workbook. Haid: Verlag Thomas Roithner 2003, 251-267. ISBN 3-9502098-5-9.
pedagogy of the other. Building blocks for a peace education in the postmodern age. Munster: agenda 1999. ISBN 3-89688-042-X.
The Mystery of Violence. An attempt about the ambivalence of civilization, the "culture of peace" and the scope of education. In: ÖSFK (ed.): Peace policy of civil society. Münster: agenda 1998 (= Volume 4 of the publication series of the ÖSFK. Studies for European Peace Policy), 91-103. ISBN: 3896880357.
Villach - city of peace? Peace as a municipal task. In: Werner Wintersteiner (ed.): Villach. City of the future – future of the city. Villach: Villacher Grüne 1996. 203-231. ISBN 3-9500586-0-5.
Theses on a Europe of the regions. In: "Europe of Regions", alpe-adria, issue 1/1992, 4-5.
The Alps-Adriatic Peace Movement: Building Block for a Europe of the Regions. In: Birckenbach/Jäger/Wellmann (eds.): Yearbook Peace 1993. Munich: Beck 1992, 220-231. ISBN 3406340806.
The peace movement at the end. A fouling of the nest. In: Aufrisse, Vienna, 3/1992, pp. 64-75. Preprint in: Science and Peace 3/1992, 10-15.
Peace movement and foreign policy from below. Using the example of the Alps-Adriatic peace movement. in: Arno Truger/Thomas Macho (eds.): Central European Perspectives. Vienna: Verlag für Gesellschaftskritik, 1990, pp. 121-140. ISBN 3851151291.
The leader as democrat, the reactionary as rebel, the demagogue as ombudsman. What makes Jörg Haider so successful. In: Aufrisse 3/1990, 33-37.
Alps-Adriatic - a model for a peaceful Europe? In: Alps-Adriatic Alternative. The First Congress. A documentation. Graz 1989, pp. 5-12.
For a nuclear-free and militarily thinned belt around Austria! 7 theses on Austria's responsibility for detente. In: Peace information from the ARGE of independent peace initiatives, Innsbruck, No. 8, spring 1984, 3-6.