Learning to rethink the world –
Plea for a planetary politics.

The limits and constraints that national politics encounter in the context of the corona pandemic are an expression of a "multiple crisis constellation". But they can also be used creatively as an impetus for local and global directional decisions. In sharp-sighted and sensitive essays edited by Hans Karl Peterlini, Werner Wintersteiner not only raises central questions of life and survival, but also outlines ways out of global crises. From the criticism of the imperial way of life of the present, he develops the concrete utopia of a turn towards peace, solidarity, justice and a gentle treatment of nature: A plea for a planetary politics.

Free download at: https://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-5635-0/die-welt-neu-denken-lernen-plaedoyer-fuer-eine-planetare-politik/

ISBN: 978-3-8376-5635-0
